Friday, October 21, 2011
Jonathan Horton recovering from surgery
AP HOUSTON -- American gymnast Jonathan Horton is recovering from surgery to repair a torn ligament in his left foot. Horton had an MRI when he returned to Houston after the 2011 world championships in Tokyo and his doctor recommended surgery. ... Jonathan Horton recovering from surgery
Wednesday maintain winning run
Sheffield Wednesday made it seven consecutive home wins with a 2-0 win over Colchester after goals from Rob Jones and Reda Johnson. In a tight first half, Brian Wilson fired over for the Us from 20 yards before Wednesday thought they had taken the lead ... Wednesday maintain winning run
18:22 Wereldrecord Franklin
BERLIJN - De Amerikaanse zwemster Missy Franklin scherpte bij wereldbekerwedstrijden in Berlijn het wereldrecord op de 200 meter rugslag aan. Het 16-jarige talent noteerde een tijd van 2.00,03 en was daarmee 0,15 seconde sneller dan de Japanse Shiho ... 18:22 Wereldrecord Franklin
"Avevo già avuto modo di dirlo sabato scorso e voglio ripeterlo oggi: è necessario dare il benvenuto a tutti i contributi tecnici, anche se divergenti tra loro, il cui attento esame e confronto permetterà di arrivare all'obiettivo che ciascuno di noi ... ROSSI SU PERIZIA STRAGE FERROVIARIA A VIAREGGIO
Mislata revisará las facturas pagadas a Ageiron, implicada en el caso Emarsa
Valencia, 22 oct (EFE).- El gobierno municipal de Mislata ha decidido revisar todas las facturas pagadas por el anterior alcalde de la localidad y vicepresidente de Emarsa, Manuel Corredera (PP), a la empresa Producciones Ageiron, ... Mislata revisará las facturas pagadas a Ageiron, implicada en el caso Emarsa
Libyans untroubled by Gaddafi's violent death
By Rania El Gamal MISRATA, Libya (Reuters) - Libyans lining up in dozens to view Muammar Gaddafi's body on Saturday shared none of the West's qualms about the fact he was killed while in the hands of the fighters who captured him. ... Libyans untroubled by Gaddafi's violent death
Ligue 1: Choc au sommet entre Lille et Lyon
Battus cette semaine en Ligue des champions par l'Inter Milan et le Real Madrid, Lille et Lyon s'affrontent dimanche au Stadium Nord pour le choc de la 11e journée de Ligue 1. Le match est capital pour les deux équipes, qui veulent se saisir de ... Ligue 1: Choc au sommet entre Lille et Lyon
我居住的小区附近有所大学,大概留学生和外教多,经常可见老外。起初看到老外,总情不自禁地扭头去看,指给小女,"看,老外!"看到黑人就告诉小女"那是非洲人"。 没料想,我家隔壁住了一对黑人。初遇他们是在电梯。一男一女 ... 嗨!老外们!
FIFA revelará documentos sobre corrupción de dirigentes
El presidente de la FIFA, Joseph Blatter, prometió ayer dar a conocer los documentos sobre un escándalo de corrupción en que podrían mencionar los nombres de altos dirigentes que recibieron incentivos por millones de dólares. ... FIFA revelará documentos sobre corrupción de dirigentes
Suudiler 30 bin Türk işçiyi gönderiyor
"Arap Baharı"ndan etkilenmemek için işsizlik rakamlarını düşürmeye çalışan Suudi Arabistan, 30 bin Türk işçiyi sınır dışı ediyor. Ülkedeki 3 milyon göçmen işçi gönderilecek. Yüzde 10.8'lik işsizlik rakamını düşürmeye çalışan Suudi Arabistan 3 milyon ... Suudiler 30 bin Türk işçiyi gönderiyor
鉴于欧洲债务危机愈演愈烈,新华社记者近日采访了多名外国专家、学者,试图从各个层面来解读欧债危机的成因、演变和影响。 本期访谈人物是帕特里克·阿蒂斯,法国外贸银行首席经济学家,巴黎大学客座教授,著有《欧元与欧 ... 欧债访谈录:法国事实上已经失去了3A评级
高房价下乡 县城房价坚挺上演楼市最后疯狂
一二线城市房价接近拐点之际,在楼市调控的最末端,县城房价正在上演"最后的疯狂"。记者了解到,目前河北部分县城或县级市房价涨幅迅猛,除了京津周边和省内几个重点城市周边以外,一些偏远县城房地产市场也异军突起 ... 高房价下乡 县城房价坚挺上演楼市最后疯狂
Lakeland Housing Authority Facing Criminal Investigation Over Funds
LAKELAND | The Lakeland Housing Authority is facing a criminal investigation and is already the subject of an administrative inquiry, The Ledger has learned. The State Attorney's Office recently received a complaint about a possible ... Lakeland Housing Authority Facing Criminal Investigation Over Funds
讯 昨日铁道部消息,将介入调查媒体报道的吉林"骗子承包厨子施工"铁路项目。近日,有媒体刊发"东北一铁路工程安全隐患调查",铁道部昨日表示,铁路部门高度重视,已经开始调查。 据报道,吉林省白山市的靖宇县和抚松县境 ... 铁道部将调查"骗子承包厨子施工"铁路项目
广东一男子撞死4人逃逸 堂弟“背黑锅”9年
南方日报讯 (记者/赵琦玉 通讯员/交宣)"我撞人逃跑后,老婆在交警那里随便填了我堂弟的名字。很委屈他(堂弟),后悔报了他名字。"昨日,交通肇事犯罪嫌疑人罗定运在逃逸9年之后终于归案,这起拉锯了近10年的"顶包"案也 ... 广东一男子撞死4人逃逸 堂弟"背黑锅"9年
líneas rojas para no traspasar tras el «cese definitivo» del terrorismo
El comunicado de ETA en el que anuncia «el cese definitivo de su actividad armada» ha abierto muchos interrogantes sobre los pasos que se darán en el futuro, y que han despertado inquietud entre las víctimas y sectores de la población, ... líneas rojas para no traspasar tras el «cese definitivo» del terrorismo
铁帅故地重游不提伤心事 舜天打响主场保卫战
今天下午3点半,江苏国信舜天将在主场迎战领头羊广州恒大。在客场打长春亚泰之前,恒大在联赛中保持23轮不败。当时,舜天高层也表示,如果球员能够在主场战胜恒大,破了对方不败金身的话,舜天也将重奖500万。但现在,恒大 ... 铁帅故地重游不提伤心事 舜天打响主场保卫战
Gadhafi's death sparks concerns
GADHAFI DEATH A Libyan man gestures in front of graffiti reading: "The greatest crazy of the world" in Tripoli on Friday. Francois Mori/The Associated Press TRIPOLI, LIBYA International human-rights groups called Friday for an investigation into the ... Gadhafi's death sparks concerns
Iredell Co. police combating drug use in students
IREDELL COUNTY, NC -- Police in Iredell County said they want to combat a new combination of drug use among teens before it becomes a dangerous trend. Captain Rick Eades, with the Iredell County Sheriff's Office, said he is hearing about students who ... Iredell Co. police combating drug use in students
Oregon surfer who survived dramatic shark attack speaks out
Bobby Gumm is fortunate to be alive and in one piece after a harrowing incident involving a large great white shark as he was surfing Thursday off South Beach in northern Oregon. Gumm was sitting on his board when a shark estimated to measure about 15 ... Oregon surfer who survived dramatic shark attack speaks out
Werder empata e amplia série sem vencer no Alemão
O Werder Bremen encerrou nesta sexta-feira uma já incômoda sequência de duas derrotas no Campeonato Alemão, mas não conseguiu voltar a vencer. Fora de casa, o time do brasileiro Naldo decepcionou ao empatar em 1 a 1 com o modesto Augsburg, ... Werder empata e amplia série sem vencer no Alemão
UFO在中国不只是传说 外星生命今何在
近日,中国境内频频有目击者声称见证了不明飞行物(UFO)的神秘造访,相关视频和照片在微博上疯传;前不久在沪举办的UFO光学信息研讨会上,专家和天文爱好者就UFO之谜进行激烈讨论并引发社会围观。 UFO到底是什么?它从 ... UFO在中国不只是传说 外星生命今何在
Ohio governor says he'll push for exotic-pet regs
By JOHN SEEWER AP COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio Gov. John Kasich (KAY'-sik) says he'll push for a moratorium on exotic animal auctions and a crackdown on unlicensed auctions. This is a handout photo from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium of one of two macaques ... Ohio governor says he'll push for exotic-pet regs
Toto nie je vláda, ktorá bude len svietiť a kúriť, tvrdí KDH
BRATISLAVA 21. októbra (WEBNOVINY) - Kompetencie vlády po prijatí ústavného zákona sú podľa predsedu NR SR Pavla Hrušovského ústavne veľmi silné. „Vládu netreba zneisťovať," povedal Hrušovský v súvislosti s ústavným zákonom, ktorým parlament vyriešil ... Toto nie je vláda, ktorá bude len svietiť a kúriť, tvrdí KDH
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