Tuesday, November 15, 2011
"不"是孩子讨厌听,父母讨厌说的一个字。父母如何聪明地拒绝孩子的不合理要求,其实也是一门艺术。美国"网络医学博士"网站最新载文,刊出哈佛大学教育发展心理学教授、《改变想法的艺术》一书作者霍华德·加德纳总结出"对 ... 美国育儿专家教给爸妈如何对孩子说不
自動車運転過失傷害罪で略式起訴された北九州市内の男性会社員に対し、小倉簡裁の裁判官が罰金30万円の求刑に対し、誤って「罰金30円」の略式命令を出していた問題で、判決を修正するために正式裁判を開かねばならない。しかし、裁判やり直しに伴う被告の負担は少なく ... 裁判官ミスで裁判やり直しでも、被告に補償なし
国土部欲打击囤地现象 房企遇资金土地双面夹击
[提要]国土资源部表示,将对全国房地产企业的囤地行为继续严厉打击。就房企手持土地情况,《证券日报》记者根据2011年半年报统计了10家排名靠前的大型房企所公告的有关数据。 编者按:目前,从各大城市楼市来看,房地产行 ... 国土部欲打击囤地现象 房企遇资金土地双面夹击
Nissan rolling out spiffed-up food trucks
By Rosanna Xia The Grilled Cheese Truck and CoolHaus gave out samples in sleek Nissan NV vans, showcasing a design fresh from the more vintage look of most LA food trucks. "Nissan approached us with this sponsored vehicle, and we think it's a fantastic ... Nissan rolling out spiffed-up food trucks
Ninkovich less surprising for Patriots
With the season he's having, Ninkovich is becoming less of a surprise and more a staple of the Patriots' defense. Ninkovich had two interceptions last week in the Patriots' win over the Jets, including one he returned 12 yards or a fourth-quarter ... Ninkovich less surprising for Patriots
Türk Telekom Almanya'da kayıp..
FIBA Eurochallange yer alan temsilcimiz, Telekom Baskets ile deplasmanda yaptığı G Grubu 2. hafta maçından 87-80'lik mağlubiyetle ayrıldı.. Türk Telekom, FIBA Eurochallange'daki ikinci maçında da galibiyete ulaşamadı. G Grubu'ndaki rakiplerinden ... Türk Telekom Almanya'da kayıp..
Demonstranter tilbake i New York-park
New York (NTB-Reuters-AFP): Noen få demonstranter har vendt tilbake til Zuccotti-parken i New York, dagen etter at politiet tømte den. Demonstrantene sier de vil okkupere stedet så lenge det er nødvendig. En domstol har avsagt kjennelse for at ... Demonstranter tilbake i New York-park
Top Iran general: Blast targeted anti-Israel weapons program
General says Saturday's explosion at military base 'temporarily stopped' weapons research program to be used against Israel; Iran denies Israel behind blast. By DPA Tags: Iran Iran nuclear A blast at a military base in Iran happened while the ... Top Iran general: Blast targeted anti-Israel weapons program
Teens dressed as heroes lured predators
By Andrea Woo, Postmedia News November 16, 2011 8:43 AM Teens were dressing as superheroes to confront child-sex predators who they'd lured online, RCMP allege. One of the young vigilatnes alegedly dressed like Batman, the hero shown here in a file ... Teens dressed as heroes lured predators
浩渺的太空中,天宫一号和神舟八号就像两只风筝,300余公里的空天之遥,数不清的风筝线正引导着它们紧紧相牵,翩翩起舞。 控制这些风筝线的,是测控通信系统团队和科技人才群体。在波涛汹涌的大洋上,一批远望人一边擎着 ... 追风筝的人——记远望六号航天远洋测量船科技人才群体
RM100 aid: Students or parents can claim from schools
PUTRAJAYA: Students or parents who did not receive the RM100 aid can claim it from their respective schools, Education director-general Datuk Seri Abd Ghafar Mahmud said today. Students at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sungai Pusu, ... RM100 aid: Students or parents can claim from schools
据了解,8月底结束的核电安全大检查目前已完成核查报告并上报国务院,有望近期向社会公布。《核电安全规划》制定工作正陆续展开,争取年底前发布征求意见稿。多位人士表示,随着一系列规划的出台,此前一直暂缓的新建核电 ... 核电将复苏
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