Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Japanese-style dinner menu Korean President The White House has been granted rude
[Ming Pao] South Korean President Lee Myung-bak earlier visit to the United States and attend the state dinner, the White House vegetable garden planted with vegetables, many of its own hospitality, but in addition there were Japanese, even the menu also, intentionally or unintentionally use the Japanese pronunciation, as if the Lee Myung-bak as the Japanese. South Korean media have criticized this diplomatic faux pas, like the Emperor of Japan hosted a state banquet without Japanese sake, and the same with Korean soju. ...Japanese-style dinner menu Korean President The White House has been granted rude
Hulk satisfeito com nova chamada à selecção
O avançado do FC Porto Hulk afirmou hoje sentir-se "muito feliz" por ter sido convocado para a selecção, somando assim três convocatórias consecutivas desde Setembro. "Estou feliz pela sequência e por ter actuado durante um bom período no último jogo", ... Hulk satisfeito com nova chamada à selecção
Papandréu descarta elecciones anticipadas porque hay "trabajo por delante"
El primer ministro griego, Yorgos Papandréu, descartó hoy la celebración de elecciones legislativas anticipadas porque considera que hay mucho trabajo por delante, tras lograr una quita de la deuda soberana del 50 %, acompañada de un nuevo paquete de ... Papandréu descarta elecciones anticipadas porque hay "trabajo por delante"
United States and Europe pass bullish, stocks rose more than 2% intraday
U.S. stocks rose on Thursday plate. Part of the euro area to reach a consensus on debt, encouraging European stocks rose, with the U.S. official in the third quarter GDP growth than expected, U.S. stocks rose to respond to good news, the three major indices intraday are strong, or more than 2%. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was recently up 317.04 points, to 12,187.63 points, or 2.68%. The Nasdaq index rose 75.34 points, to 2726.01 points, ...United States and Europe pass bullish, stocks rose more than 2% intraday
(ASCA) - Formello (Rm), 27 ott - ''Si tratta di misure importanti e molto impegnative ma partono da un punto decisivo che regge tutta l'impalcatura: il decreto sviluppo''. Cosi' il sindaco di Roma Gianni Alemanno ha risposto a margine di una visita a ... GOVERNO: ALEMANNO, MISURE IMPORTANTI MA SERVE DECRETO SVILUPPO
Foreign Ministry: China supports Afghanistan to carry out a comprehensive economic and social reconstruction
China Network on October 27 hearing, according to Foreign Ministry news, October 27, 2011, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Jiang Yu held a regular press conference. The following is the text Record: Q: Will China send a delegation to attend next week's meeting in Istanbul on Afghanistan? A: Afghanistan will be held in Istanbul on November 2 ...Foreign Ministry: China supports Afghanistan to carry out a comprehensive economic and social reconstruction
“실적 좋지도 나쁘지도..” 신한지주 되레 반등
신한지주의 3·4분기 실적에 대한 부정적 평가가 잇따랐지만, 주가는 반등했다. 27일 코스피 시장에서 신한지주 주가는 전일 대비 2.12%(950원) 오른 4만5700원에 거래를 마쳤다. 신한지주의 3·4분기 순이익 7042억원은 당초 증권사들이 예상한 7300억∼7650억원대를 ... "실적 좋지도 나쁘지도.." 신한지주 되레 반등
Akkoord op eurotop: verlichting van schuldenlast Griekenland
06:30 De euroleiders en de financiële sector zijn het op de eurotop in Brussel eens geraakt over een afschrijving van 50 procent op Griekse obligaties. De verlichting van de schuldenlast van het noodlijdende Griekenland vormt één van de pijlers van een ... Akkoord op eurotop: verlichting van schuldenlast Griekenland
'New home Taegeuk Warriors' Village Jincheon completed (Total)
South Korea's new cradle to be an elite athletic village Jincheon two Taegeuk Warriors ended the right outfit. Sports Council for a 27 to Gwanghyewon Jincheon, Chungbuk AM hoejukri Jincheon Village Square from my Taegeuk gimhwangsik Prime Minister and yisijong Chungbuk Province, Park Yong-sung, chairman of physical education, and more than 800 people attended the New Village ...'New home Taegeuk Warriors' Village Jincheon completed (Total)
"铁道债真疯狂,17倍底价投标,赶上打新股了。"昨日中午,一位银行间市场交易员向记者如是感慨。 在财政部、国税总局与发改委相继表态"力挺"后,当日上午招标的2011年第二期中国铁路建设债券受到市场热捧。据交易员透露 ... 铁道债遭疯抢17倍投标赛"打新"
欧盟峰会仅达成一项协议 分析指是“饮鸠止渴
欧盟峰会草草收场,对三大议题仅就扩大EFSF达成协议,希腊债务减计与银行业资本重组议题将在11月财长会议上再做讨论。欧元短暂上涨之后再度回落,分析指出,EFSF扩容将有严重后果,恐引发新危机。 北京时间凌晨四点左右 ... 欧盟峰会仅达成一项协议 分析指是"饮鸠止渴
Arsenal's Bonanza, Dany
Yiyoungmin reporter "Dany CL Debate about the season change the way people think skepticism is one of the players." England soccer for Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger said at a news conference the past 24 days. This means that in about two days was a reality. Arsenal's Park Chu-young (26) 26, UK ...Arsenal's Bonanza, Dany
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