Monday, October 24, 2011
Seis pessoas ficam feridas após queda de torre em Água Clara
Uma torre da empresa telefônica Oi desabou e atingiu aproximadamente duas casas e três carros de Água Clara (MS). Seis pessoas ficaram feridas e estão recebendo atendimento no Hospital da cidade. Outra torre pequena também caiu ea conexão via internet ... Seis pessoas ficam feridas após queda de torre em Água Clara
Policy reserves some of the goods will enjoy preferential tax policies for business
Reporters learned yesterday from the Ministry of Finance, national commodity reserves to support business development, the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation jointly issued a circular, clear some of the goods reserves the central and local business-related tax incentives policy. The two departments said notice referred to commodity reserves management companies and their Zhishu Ku, is ...Policy reserves some of the goods will enjoy preferential tax policies for business
10月25日,2011中国·青岛蓝色经济发展国际高峰论坛新闻发布会举行,市发改委副主任、市蓝色办主任、蓝色经济发展国际高峰论坛筹备工作执行委员会副主任任振刚对论坛筹备情况进行了发布。10月28日~29日,将在青岛香格 ... 中外嘉宾共商"蓝色大计"
El compromiso de los haitianos, base para reconstruir un país de tragedias
Valladolid, 25 oct (EFE).- El compromiso de los propios haitianos es la base para reconstruir su país que, en enero de 2010, sufría un devastador terremoto, del que se han hecho eco hoy en el Día de la Diversidad Cultural de la Seminci de Valladolid, ... El compromiso de los haitianos, base para reconstruir un país de tragedias
Pit one hundred thousand scam posing as old love by v.
Taipei a new operation to female members of the group received a telephone fraud, mistake is to call the old lover, cheated of nearly NT $ 10 million. Panchiao court investigators, the fraud accusations according to Chan, Jane Wu, and named members of the prosecution. Prosecutors and police investigation that will transport high-named was woman last October indirect calls, conversations between the woman was stereotyped, the mistake the other side is seen for many years the old lover. Men and women pretend to high debt because of a friend ...Pit one hundred thousand scam posing as old love by v.
Cold takes toll on Occupy Spokane
AP KREM reports ( only a handful held out Monday night against the cold. By early Tuesday morning the temperature had dropped to the mid-30s. While many of this month's demonstrators at the downtown intersection have moved on, ... Cold takes toll on Occupy Spokane
本报讯(记者 许超声)中国海诚今天公告,公司成功中标光明乳业"日产2000吨乳制品中央自动控制技术生产线技术改造项目"施工图设计、施工一体化工程,总金额为4.75亿元。光明乳业该项目建成投产后,产能将位居世界同类型 ... 中国海诚中标光明乳业技改项目
10,000 police strike for Egypt's interior minister to step down
China news agency, Beijing, October 25 (Li Xiajun) - Tens of thousands of Egyptian police, local time 24 launched nationwide strike, asked the Government to fight corruption, improve police treatment of the lower, called the resignation of Interior Minister Mansour. Analysts here pointed out that the strike will be held next month, Hosni Mubarak plans to step down after ...10,000 police strike for Egypt's interior minister to step down
特色现代做文章 山西农业谱新篇
新华网太原10月25日电(记者晏国政 王菲菲)金灿灿的沁州小米、红艳艳的吕梁红枣、栽植在花盆里的蔬菜……正在举行的第二届中国(山西)特色农产品交易博览会上,中外客商和普通民众再一次领略了山西特色现代农业的魅力 ... 特色现代做文章 山西农业谱新篇
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