
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shakespeare Calling: Monday, December 26 2011

Shakespeare Calling: Monday, December 26 2011Since today is a holiday in Sweden I get a free blog Monday. Yay! It seems like more than two Mondays that I've been away and sadly it will be two more until I'm back. How will the Shakespeare world survive? Try to muddle through, friends. ...Shakespeare Calling: Monday, December 26 2011


韓国の民間弔問団が北朝鮮入り北朝鮮のキム・ジョンイル総書記の死去を受け、韓国からの民間弔問団が、さきほど北朝鮮入りしました。北朝鮮側への出入り口となっている韓国のトラサンからの報告です ...韓国の民間弔問団が北朝鮮入り

Two Nigeria churches bombed on Christmas Day

Two Nigeria churches bombed on Christmas DayTwo Nigeria churches bombed on Christmas DayBy Richard Allen Greene, CNN Smoke rises from the scene of bombing Sunday at a Catholic church in Madala, west of the Nigerian capital. ...Two Nigeria churches bombed on Christmas Day

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